NATIONAL REPORT—Managing IT in hotels has never been easy. And today, IT departments are more than ever challenged to control costs while keeping up with rapidly changing technology. Hotels must reduce costs while also delivering a high level of functionality, security and customer service that is expected in the hospitality industry. IT professionals in this industry need their document imaging technology provider to provide custom workflow solutions that help solve unique challenges with technology that grows as a customer’s needs grow.
Hotel management understands that security is a top priority for their customers. As a result, their print technology provider must offer the latest security solutions to ensure a hotel’s document, device and network security remain secure from internal and external threats. Technology providers can work with IT to assess the hotel’s current document management workflow and design customized solutions to meet its most urgent security needs.
When it comes to guest experiences, digital is pushing the boundaries. From WiFi connectivity to in-room technologies and self-checkout to opening room doors, technology is changing the way guests use hotels. IT staff and their technology providers are in a position to provide the same conveniences hotel guests enjoy in their daily lives at home and work during their hotel stays without interruption.
Finally, reliable infrastructure is critical, from front desk service that generates bills for guests to the back office where employees rely on printing and scanning for their daily administrative and operational duties. Learn how Brother can help your hotel facility leverage the right input and output technology with minimal downtime to ensure your guests’ experiences are both seamless and issue-free. Learn More.