ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL Amerihost Properties will immediately start to do business as Arlington Hospitality. The company has already officially changed the name of its operating subsidiaries from Amerihost to Arlington Hospitality. However, the parent, Amerihost Properties, will not legally change its name until the next regularly scheduled shareholders meeting, subject to shareholder approval.
The company s website has also changed to
According to President and CEO, Michael Holtz, the name change was the result of the recent sale of the AmeriHost Inn hotel brand name and franchising rights to Cendant Corp.
To avoid confusion going forward as we develop the AmeriHost Inn brand with Cendant, and as part of our agreement with Cendant, we have changed our name to Arlington Hospitality, said Holtz. The company s symbol on Nasdaq- HOST- will remain the same. In addition, the names of the hotels will remain as AmeriHost Inn hotels and operate under a franchise agreement with Cendant. (10/20/00)