SPOKANE, WA— WestCoast Hospitality Corp.— releasing figures encompassing WestCoast as well as Red Lion Hotels and Inns— reported pro forma earnings per share for the year ended Dec. 31 of $0.69 as compared to $0.45 in 2000. The integration of Red Lion was handled as if it had taken place Jan. 1, 2001. For the same period, it was reported that pro forma total revenue increased 61.9%, rising from $126 million in 2000 to $204 million in 2001. Additionally, during 2001, it was noted that pro forma EBITDA increased 14.5%, from $34 million in 2000 to $38.9 million in 2001. For the year ended Dec. 31, 2001, actual earnings per share were said to increase $0.14 over the year-earlier period, climbing from $0.45 in 2000 to $0.59 in 2001. For the same period, it was noted that total revenue decreased 4.1%, from $126 million in 2000 to $121 million in 2001. It was further contended EBITDA similarly decreased, reflecting an 11.2% drop from $34 million in 2000 to $30.2 million in 2001.
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