NORWALK, CT— Four veteran hoteliers have joined forces to create an ownership and management organization to acquire, co-invest in and/or operate first-class hotels. The principals include Gary Mendell, former CEO of HEI Hotels; David McCaslin, former COO of MeriStar Hotels & Resorts; Stephen Rushmore, president of HVS International; and Stephen Mendell, former evp/acquisitions of HEI Hotels. The ownership group, HEI Hospitality, initially will acquire, or joint venture with other investors to acquire, first-class, full-service hotels throughout the U.S. In addition, the company may acquire second mortgages or other forms of hotel debt. Smilezzzz (pronounced “smiles”) Hospitality LLC, the management company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of HEI Hospitality and will be headquartered in Washington, D.C. Smilezzzz will manage assets acquired by HEI Hospitality, as well as be an independent, third-party operator. Typical properties sought by the two companies include: 150 to 500 rooms, first-class, full-service hotels located throughout the U.S. The company expects to invest between $200 million and $300 million over the next 18 months.