ANAHEIM, CA— The Southern California Tourism Safety & Security Association, a partnership of Anaheim’s visitor’s bureau and police department, recently held its first directors’ meeting, electing officers for the year. Dave Wiggins, an officer in Anaheim’s Tourist Oriented Policing division, is president of the new association. Others include Ann Gallaugher, Anaheim/OC Visitor & Convention Bureau, first vice president; Brian Mercer, South Coast Plaza, secretary/treasurer; Martha Smith, theme park industry, vice president; and Dan Marweg, Hilton Anaheim, vice president. The organization is the result of feedback from the 2001 Tourism Security Conference held in January 2001, at which attendees called for an organization to help coordinate solutions to tourism security on a regional basis. The goals of the association, incorporated as a nonprofit public benefit corporation last August, include improving the safety and security of tourists visiting Southern California and those working in tourist-related industries. In addition, the organization hopes to facilitate networking and partnerships between Southern California’s various tourism entities and develop an information exchange that could help prevent visitor-related crimes. Wiggins said tourists and travel professionals have begun to make destination decisions that favor regions, venues and hotels with a demonstrated commitment to security, noting even before the terrorist attacks of September 11, Travel Industry Association research showed about 15% of travelers believed safety was the most pressing issue facing tourism. SCTSSA members will receive the latest crime trend and criminal incident information as well as pertinent training, prevention and best-practices information, Wiggins said. “Everyone connected with tourism has a huge stake in these issues and everyone shares responsibility for safety and security,” he said, adding anyone connected with the Southern California tourism industry is encouraged to join; charter membership is free. The 2002 Conference is slated for Thursday, Feb. 28 at the Hilton Anaheim. Presentations will include tourist-related crimes, threat assessment, terrorism and tourism, hotel and motel security and securing theme parks.
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