ANNAPOLIS, MD— Telkonet, Inc. The a leader in commercial powerline communications, has entered into a strategic alliance agreement with Choice Hotels International. The Choice Hotels-Telkonet agreement is an initial two-year renewable contract, wherein Telkonet will become a Choice Endorsed Vendor offering Telkonets “PlugPlusInternet” high-speed Internet access service to Choice Hotels U.S. franchisees. Telkonet and Choice Hotels will undertake cooperative efforts for the marketing, advertising and promotion of Telkonets Internet access solution to their franchisees prior to and through the Choice Hotels national convention, May 7-9 in Orlando, FL. Choice Hotel franchisees that take advantage of Telkonets “Early Adopter Program” will receive an additional $2,400 savings by scheduling prior to or at the national convention. The “PlugPlusInternet” solution set is comprised of two products, the “PlugPlusInternet” Gateway and the “PlugPlusInternet” Modem designed to meet the commercial needs of hotels, office buildings, schools, shopping malls, and multi-dwelling residential markets.