CHICAGO- As Patrick Dixon, director of London-based Global Change Ltd. pointed out during the opening Trends session at the Fall Meeting of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) here, the future is already upon us with regard to the technological evolution/revolution. In fact, he said we are so far into the technology age that those involved in commercial real estate that have not yet wired their properties may well find its already too late in the game. As Dixon explained, with the advent of more powerful and portable means of communication becoming available, many of the business precepts driving commercial real estate will necessarily be changing. For instance, he noted that teleconferencing- which hasnt made the impression on corporate communications many had anticipated- may soon be replaced by direct electronic face-to-face link-ups featuring constant contact with ones business counterpart(s). And while a cut back in the number of business travelers will be possible (and some reportedly feel probable), this reduction in one segment of the lodging business could well be offset by the fact that business people will have more time for personal activities, and that could well spur a dramatic upturn in the frequency and scale of leisure traveling. (11/2/00) –Michael Billig