ATLANTA— John Sweetwood, president of Six Continents Hotels/The Americas has resigned. Stevan Porter formerly COO/The Americas has been named to replace Sweetwood. The news was announced to Six Continents employees here by Chairman Tom Oliver this morning. Separately, Ravi Saligram, brands president/Six Continents also resigned last Wednesday. A Six Continents spokesperson said the two resignations were not related and that each wanted to pursue their own interests. Six Continents is now seeking replacements for Saligram, as well as for Porters former COO slot. Oliver, in an exclusive interview with HOTEL BUSINESS® in the companys Atlanta offices, said Sweetwood had made an enormous contribution to the organization. “He was here when I got here five years ago and hes done a great job. Fortunately, weve got great bench strength and we didnt miss a beat [with Porter].” Oliver said that Porter spent this morning on a conference call with general managers throughout the Six Continents system. Porter had already met with franchisees at an IAHI board meeting in Napa, CA last Friday, where he was well accepted, said Oliver. Oliver said he anticipates no broader management changes, “but Steve will look at his organization over the next two to four weeks.” —Ruthanne Terrero
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