MIAMI— A new study by Interval International shows timeshare owners to be more upscale in key demographic indicators including income, occupation, educational level and home ownership. Conducted in the fourth quarter of 2001 by Simmons’ Market Research Bureau, the report compares respondents with Simmons benchmark National Consumer Study (NCS). According to the survey, which is representative of Intervals U.S. membership base at a 95% confidence level, the average Interval member is 48.5 years old, married (86%), and lives in a household with 2.8 people. Members average household income rose 7% since the previous study in 1999, and at $110,400 per year, mean income is nearly double that of the general U.S. population. Not surprisingly, they typically own their primary residence (95%), with private home ownership 41% more likely than that of the average U.S. adult. Five percent of members indicated they own a co-op or condominium. Members average home value has increased to $243,000 from approximately $212,000 in the previous study, a value 60% greater than the mean value for the U.S. population. Interval members are also above the national average in terms of education: more than half (56%) are college graduates or higher (compared with only 12% of the U.S. population), and are three times more likely to hold a masters or doctoral degree (23%). Almost a quarter (23%) have a four-year college degree, nearly double that of the U.S. population. The largest share of Interval members (33%) categorize their occupation as professional, more than twice that of the U.S. population. More than 11% stated they were self-employed, and almost a quarter (22%) of respondents are retired.