NATIONAL REPORT—According to a new report released from The Highland Group and Kalibri Labs, for the 12-month period ending June 2019, non extended-stay (traditional) hotels in the U.S. accommodated 71 million room nights from guests staying seven nights or longer. Corresponding room nights in extended-stay hotels were 50 million.
The disparity in guest paid room revenue was even greater with extended-stay guests spending $8.2 billion at traditional hotels compared to $4.6 billion at extended-stay hotels.
Nationally, the share of extended-stay demand (ESOC) in extended-stay hotels is 48%. In traditional hotels, ESOC is 12%, but there are 10 times as many rooms compared to extended-stay hotels.
“For the first time, we have reliable empirical data on the size of the extended-stay market in hotels, and it is far larger than we expected,” said Mark Skinner, partner at The Highland Group.