NEW YORK — The Regent Wall Street Hotel here has become the center of attention today as it plays host to the thousands of young hopefuls that showed up to audition for Fox’s American Idol 2. This Lower Manhattan 5-star hotel saw lines start forming around the block nearly a day before the tryouts were set to begin, and this morning one New York radio station checking out the scene estimated more than 10,000 youthful singers showed up for the chance at stardom. The pop singing auditions at the hotel are being taped and will ultimately become a big part of the show when they’re later replayed on national television, according to Also at the Regent, aside from the new crews and screaming teenagers, are the show’s reported ‘four’ judges, including: creator Simon Cowell, producer Randy Jackson, 80s icon Paula Abdul, and the yet-to-be-confirmed newcomer Hot 97 radio personality Angie Martinez. SOURCE:
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