INDIANAPOLIS—A 236-room, seven-story Jameson Inn has opened at the Indianapolis Airport, becoming the largest Jameson property ever, according to the brand. The hotel had been an independent property.
“The Jameson brand is an exceptional value for travelers and an exceptional opportunity for owners, so this conversion means a smart look as well as smart business for us,” Harry Ghoman, CEO of Reliance Hotels, LLC, said in a statement.
America’s Best Franchising acquired the Jameson brand in December as a mid-scale addition to its portfolio of three upper-economy brands—America’s Best Inns, Budgetel Inns and Country Hearth Inns—plus its 3 Palms upscale brand for independent properties.
“Jameson is a classic brand being reborn for modern travelers by offering the latest amenities and style in an atmosphere of distinctive charm,” according to Doug Collins, Chairman and CEO of America’s Best Franchising.
Atlanta-based America’s Best Franchising operates almost 300 properties located primarily in the United States and also with a presence in China, India, Nigeria, Canada and Belize. Founded in 1993, the company is celebrating its 20th anniversary.