LAS VEGAS- A session at HD 2004, being held here this week, titled Diversity In Design shed some light on how designers and architects of various race and color could break into the mainstream. Panel participants included: Hansy Better Barraza of Studio Luz; Bradford Grand of the Department of Architecture, Hampton University; Kathleen Larsen of Hilton Hotels; Nina Nielsen and Sandra Harding, co-partners of NS Designs. While most panelists agreed that a large majority of requests for proposals from hotel owners go to a pre-approved list of experienced design firms, there are opportunities for smaller, yet unknown design firms led by women or racially diverse individuals to get their foot in the door. According to Nielsen of NS Designs, up-and-coming architecture and design firms should take the initiative to make contact with hotel owners whenever and where ever possible. “We go after the owners directly and find it is easier that way to get new business,” said Nielsen. In addition, marketing the “value-adds” that a small, diverse firm can bring to the table may also win over new hospitality clients, said panelists.