LAS VEGAS- The Hard Rock Hotel here had strong second quarter, with property executives crediting the increased revenue, cash flow and net income to additional business generated by new marketing and entertainment spending, said the Las Vegas-Review Journal. Hard Rock net income jumped 58.9 percent to $3.7 million from $2.3 million, and operating cash flow, defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, was up 4.4%, to $9.7 million from $9.3 million. Revenue was up 4.4% to $34.1 million from $32.7 million. Expenses also jumped, up 4.3%, to $24.4 million from $23.4 million. The property reported that it spent an additional $600,000 on marketing and entertainment expenses during the quarter, funding a new national advertising campaign and concerts by groups like the Eagles. Food and beverage revenue was up 6.7%, to $5.6 million from $5.2 million, while hotel revenue dropped 8% to $1.8 million from $1.9 million. Meanwhile, Hard Rock executives have some new changes planned for the property, including new banquet space, a few new high-roller suites and a few new floors on top of the parking garage are on the drawing board, according to the report.