ATLANTA— Many Microtel Inns & Suites across the country are starting off the New Year with new accounts thanks in part to the local sales initiative ‘Everybody Sells,’ according to the company. Launched in November by U.S. Franchise Systems (USFS), ‘Everybody Sells’ provides local sales support during difficult economic times. More than 100 Microtel hotels across the country have already benefited from the initiative with more than 2,500 local sales calls being completed by USFS corporate employees. Of these sales calls, approximately 72% have resulted in active leads for room night sales. USFS is expected to make an estimated 6,500 local sales calls on behalf of Microtel hotels by the end of February 2002. At least three days are being devoted on site in each hotels market where USFS representatives meet with local businesses on behalf of the hotel. Following the Everybody Sells visit, a telemarketing effort by the Corporate National Sales Support team provides follow-up support for each Microtel hotel. These follow-up calls have secured more than 100 hotel site inspections as well as identified 84 potential national accounts. More than 45 companies have asked for corporate rate bids from Microtel.