MONTVALE, NJ—Dolce International has announced the development of its new electronic Request For Proposal (e-RFP). The enhanced e-RFP is designed to integrate directly with the Delphi company-wide sales and marketing management system, using Newmarket Internationals NetXchange Meeting Broker. The fully-integrated e-RFP includes all relevant specs for each property in the Dolce International portfolio including images, room specifications and layouts. Clients are able to submit e-RFPs to multiple Dolce properties simultaneously and, consistent with Dolce Conference Solutions, are promised a real-time response to the request for proposal within 30 minutes. A unique partnership with industry partners like American Airlines and Avis, Dolce Conference Solutions is designed to save meeting planners time and money by providing a complete proposal including airfare, transportation and learning components, according to Dolce. The private label e-RFP was designed with PlanSoft, which specializes in electronic technology for meetings and event industry. The e-RFP is available on the Dolce International website ( as well as through PlanSofts distribution channels. Meeting planners prefer to conduct business electronically, according to Brian Griesbaum, corporate director/e-marketing for Dolce International. He noted that in less than one year, Dolce received over 1,000 RFPs. Griesbaum predicted a 25% increase in the number of e-RFPs received by Dolce International after the solutions launch. The e-RFP is fully integrated with all marketing initiatives and is trackable through Dolces E-Value Codes.