SACRAMENTO, CA—The California Hotel & Lodging Association in conjunction with program partners Inncom International, Inc. and the Environmental Protection Agency, has received $393,750 in funding from the California Energy Commission to implement CH&LAs energy savings program to assist the California lodging industry with energy conservation. The funding allows CH&LA to offer member properties the opportunity to participate in a 12-month program valued at $6,000 for only a one-time $795 fee to participating properties. The program will be administered through Inncom, and includes the installation of an energy information system, a load analysis and notification system, a facility energy audit, and automatic Energy Star program participation. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to receive financial assistance of up to 75% of the cost of upgrading their energy controls to enhance their ability to control energy usage. The grant award was based on CH&LAs previous success with energy conservation programs. Last year, CH&LA received a 2002 Flex Your Power Energy Conservation Award from the Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency of the State of California for achieving a 10% reduction in energy consumption on peak demand as part of a $1.85 million educational program also funded by the California Energy Commission. “Providing over $2.25 million in assistance to our members in the last two years to promote energy conservation and reduce consumption is a great achievement and provides a huge step forward for the industry,” said Jim Abrams, president/CEO of the 1,600-member CH&LA.