LONDON— According to recent reports, culture secretary Tessa Jowell has unveiled plans for a major new campaign to boost the number of visitors to Britain in the wake of foot-and-mouth and Sept. 11. The public-private initiative could cost up to £40 million or US$ 57 million. At its core will be a TV advertising campaign promoting Britains heritage, countryside and cities, with a particular focus on royal heritage and the Queens golden jubilee. The initiative aims to bring in an extra one million visitors this year. It will run from April to September in seven markets: the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland. Together these countries normally account for 60% of visitors to Britain. The campaign will be jointly funded by the Government and partners in the tourism industry, according to reports. These include members of the British Hospitality Association (BHA), including Hilton, Thistle, Jarvis, Six Continents, Whitbread and Millennium & Copthorne. SOURCE: