ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL— At its annual meeting held here, Arlington Hospitality’s shareholders elected a new board of directors. Following the election, Michael Holtz, president and CEO served notice to the new board that he will resign all positions with the company and its subsidiaries in six months. Newly appointed board members include: Michael Holtz, Salomon Dayan, Thomas Romano, Gerald LaFlamme, Kenneth Fell, Steven Belmonte, Russell Cerqua. In addition, Cerqua and Holtz notified the board that they will not accept positions as director for the company. After discussions with the board, Holtz agreed to stay on the board as long as he is employed by the company. The board agreed that this decision will not have an adverse impact to Holtz with regard to his employment agreement with the company. The board is in the process of forming a search committee to recruit and replace the position of president and CEO.