MINNEAPOLIS, MN— The AmericInn International LLC annual conference kicked off at the Hyatt Regency here on April 28 during a reception welcoming scores of owners and managers who braved the rain, wind and snow that hit the area over the weekend. The rough weather is expected to ease as some 450 attendees turn their attention to day one of the two-day event, which is being held for the first time at the city’s convention center. President/CEO Luke Fowler admitted the switch from AmericInn’s traditional hotel ballroom setting for convention assemblies to the larger venue reflects the direction the privately held chain is heading. “We’re trying to convey a stronger brand image, a more ‘grown-up’ brand image,” said Fowler. “It’s getting to be a bigger group. I think we have to be professional about it, but have fun while where doing it.” Democles Angelopoulos, a first-time hotel owner and one of the principals involved in the new 77-room, four-story AmericInn Lodge & Suites set to open this summer in Griswold, CT, said he was looking forward to hearing marketing guru Peter Yesawich, president/CEO, Yesawich, Pepperdine & Brown deliver the keynote address, one of two being presented this morning. “I’ve heard him speak a couple of times. He’s very enlightening. He brings a lot to the marketing and to the business arena.” The second keynote speaker is Norm Coleman, who served as mayor of the other Twin City, St. Paul, from 1994 to 2001, and who is now in a race for the Senate. “Mostly, I always leave [convention]feeling up about the hotel product and going into business,” said Angelopoulos. “Basically, I like to get the feel of the people and the franchise and see what everybody’s doing. When I started coming to the conventions my first thought was to see if I fit in with the AmericInn concept and the people who own AmericInns. What I found I really enjoyed about it was the people were very easy to talk to, they were all owners. After going to several conventions I watched people becoming multiple property owners, doing two and three properties now. And actually, I want to get enough energy to do another property in my area right away.” And while Angelopoulos made it to the Midwest from the East Coast, Fowler said he expected fewer people this year. “The traveling business is getting a little harder for people, so a few people probably chose not to come just because this is not the year to go out of your way to go traveling if you’re going long distances.” Those who are here today will also get a corporate overview of the brand, including a presentation by Jon Kennedy, svp-marketing and franchise development. Also, consultant and author Ira Blumenthal will address the general session this afternoon and discuss why “Change Is Inevitable.” A trade exhibit will be held from 2:30 until 6:30 p.m., followed by cocktails, an awards dinner and post-awards party. Fowler added the convention’s main message this year was to drive brand awareness: “The sophistication of our logos, the way we’re going to deliver our message. We’re going to do more advertising. We’re going to make AmericInn a more well-known brand this year. We’ve always been respected for quality and good service, now more than ever we think it’s a good time to get out there. We’ve now got GDS capabilities, we’ve had unbelievable bookings through our Internet, so we’re really excited about that. It’s really going to change our chain in the years ahead, and hopefully going to make us more available to more people in more places in the years ahead.” One of those places might be Mackinaw City, MI. Steve Gebric, owner of the Val-Ru Motel there, was at the AmericInn convention because he wants to add the brand on land he owns. He already has the plans for the 54-room, three-story property, but was waiting for financing. “We’re hoping to hook up with some financial institutions that will hopefully be here [today],” said Gebric.
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