WASHINGTON, D.C.— The American Hotel & Lodging Association closed out its fifth annual Legislative Action Summit Thursday morning confident its members got across to a good portion of legislators their message of needed support for tourism and initiatives for business tax reforms. Most members came back from their meetings on the Hill encouraged by the congressional responses yet realistic in their assessment that their multi-prong agenda would take time under the best of circumstances. Before departing from the the Loews L’Enfant Plaza where the Summit has been held the past three days, AH&LA members reviewed their successes in a grassroots session, pegged for followup by Jack Connors, evp/public policy and his team in government affairs. Of the issues, particularly the American Travel Promotion Act, Connors said, “we wanted to test market it yesterday and see how it resonated.” He reminded attendees they would need to reconnect more than yearly with their legislators as well. “You can’t come to town and just do a rifle shot,” he noted, adding “lobbying is a lot like prayer, for best results do it daily.” They also heard from Tony Snow, political analyst for FOX News Sunday, who gave insight into the current events that are shaping Administration policies and how the American political landscape has changed since Sept. 11. —Stefani C. O’Connor
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