CHARLOTTE, NC— The 2002 Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) Women’s Conference at the Adam’s Mark Hotel here drew nearly a thousand attendees— more than double the turnout anticipated. As noted by AAHOA sources, registration for last weekend’s full-day event was originally to be capped at something in the 400 – 450 range, but by the time the meeting kicked off more than 700 were already on site. Moreover, that number reportedly grew steadily throughout the day, with the total ultimately surpassing 1,000 registered delegates, family members, speakers, vendors, and other invited guests. It was noted the annual conference’s usual line-up was punctuated this year by a fervent focus on political activism; a point driven home by the presence— and words— of Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) as the evening’s keynote speaker. Myrick also addressed the need to work together for the purpose of boosting tourism into the U.S. Also (briefly) on hand this past Saturday to bring her distinctively distaff view of the growing place of women within the workings of the lodging industry was Howard Johnson President/CEO Mary Mahoney, invited as a participant in a midday luncheon panel presentation.—Michael Billig