NATIONAL REPORT—Lodging Econometrics (LE) reports that the Q1 2017 United States construction pipeline currently stands at 5,032 projects/602,034 rooms, up 13% by projects year-over-year (YOY). This is the 20th consecutive quarter of pipeline growth, and the first time the total pipeline has eclipsed 5,000 projects since Q4 2008.
At Q1 2017, there are 1,511 projects/197,450 rooms under construction, up by 155 projects YOY or 11%. Projects scheduled to start in the next 12 months, at 2,414 projects/272,487 rooms, are up 367 projects, or 18%. Projects in early planning at 1,107 projects/132,097 rooms are up 39 projects or 4%.
With the growth in the pipeline, the number of multi-developers in the industry has grown as well. There are currently 292 developers with three or more projects in the U.S. pipeline. Seventy-eight developers have three or more Hilton projects, 59 have three or more Marriott projects and 49 have three or more IHG projects. One hundred eighteen of the 292 developers have five or more projects and 22 have 10 or more projects in the total pipeline.
The states with the highest concentration of multi-developers with three or more projects are: Texas (44), California (24), Georgia (21), New York (20), Florida (12), Tennessee (12), North and South Carolina (11), and Virginia (10).
Eight-eight percent of the projects in the pipeline have already selected a brand, leaving 583 projects that haven’t yet selected a brand. Three hundred and seventy-two or 64% of the unbranded projects are in the upscale and upper-midscale chain scales.
For more information on developers or projects in the construction pipeline for the U.S. or any other region, country or market around the world, please contact Lodging Econometrics: (603) 427-9542 or [email protected]
—J.P. Ford, SVP, Director of Business Development, Lodging Econometrics
—Bruce Ford, SVP, Director of Global Business Development, Lodging Econometrics
—Tom O’Gorman, Vice President of Sales, Lodging Econometrics