NEW YORK— The AH&LA has set up a task force to examine the amount of meetings it should hold going forward, said President/CEO Joe McInerney at the 24th Annual NYU Hospitality Investment Conference. At a panel on mid-priced hotels, McInerney said that “looking on the meetings side… we may have one too many meetings. We have one in November [along with the IH/M&RS], one at ALIS, then we have the Multi-Unit Lodging Operators & Owners Forum, then the annual spring conference, and one in Las Vegas.” (As previously reported by HOTEL BUSINESS®, the AH&LA already decided in April to cancel next year’s spring conference.) As a result, McInerney said the newly formed task force will start meeting in January 2003. In the meantime, he said, ideas are being formed for possible alternatives to having so many meetings. One idea, McInerney indicated, was to have “four or five seminar-type meetings for different levels— for example, one for housekeeping, one for engineering, one for GMs, one for sales and marketing. Then have a template for each one to bring it to different cities.”
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